What can God do with average me?
I admire strong people. People who always seem to be in control of themselves and their situations. What do they have that I do not? A few things I have noticed is strong people often discipline their desires, and they restrain their reactions. I have a very tough time restraining my reactions even if I don’t say a word you can often just look at the expression on my face to know what I am thinking. I haven’t figured out how to control my facial expressions yet because that usually gives my thoughts away every time. Thank God I serve a God that gives me so many chances to try and get it right. I am still trying by the way.
So what an God do with average me? I believe one of my main purposes in this life is just to be the best me I can be and spread God’s love. I know how simple that sounds but sometimes the best things we can do are simple. I think sometimes we try and make the Christian life to complicated. We get to thinking that average is not good enough and we have to be some “super powered Christian”. I have met those type of Christians that think they have super powers but I like just average me better. We all agree we have a lot of learning and growing to do and in my opinion that is the best Christian of all and who usually has a better chance of spreading Gods word to the most people. So to all those average people out there don’t become discouraged. If you are still wrestling with your purpose on this earth know that our calling is to please him to wake up every morning saying “yes Lord” then live through out the day to discover his questions. To live above average you need a great ambition, growing Faith and a genuine prayer life. Something to strive for.