Be Still

In my worry God you are my stillness. In my blindness God you are my vision.

Words to meditate on. I often try to become still and quiet my mind and just let God speak to me. It’s not an easy task to become still, It takes my awhile to get to that place. My mind seems to always be working overtime, worrying is just in my nature. But if I try really hard to just calm down and be still God always shows up. I start to feel the Holy Spirit moving inside me and guiding me on my path, then I can start to feel what God is direction me to do. Whatever problem I am laying out before him, in the stillness, God starts to move my heart. If I go to God in prayer but I can’t quiet my mind I don’t give up I just keep trying no matter how many days it might take. I keep trying to get to the point of stillness. I fall on God when I am at my weakest, and I realize that my seasons change but God stays the same. Thank God I serve a God who is perfect, and is always willing to help guide me if I can just put my worry aside and be still and listen. I invite you to pick a quiet place where you can pray and really try to be still. Practice till you can get to that point and I promise you that God will show up.

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