Heroic Faith

I often find myself facing obstacles and difficulties that seem insurmountable to me. I once heard Pastor Mike Burns preach on Heroic Faith. He said that these obstacles are defining moments of Faith. That Heroic Faith is not only defined by obstacles, it is strengthened by them. In my difficulties I need to keep my eyes on God and not my circumstances. That is all nice and well but it is far from easy for me to do.

Heb. 11: 6 Without Faith it is impossible to please God.

This scripture puts a little bit of fear in me. When I am on the roller coaster of life and I feel out of control it is hard for me to have Faith thus pushing me further out of God's will. I wish I could say I don't get discouraged or detoured by obstacles put in front of me but I do.

Joshua 14:8 I followed the Lord my God whole heartedly.

This scripture is my goal to be able to get to when I have a crisis. Sometimes I have to just sit and say this scripture over and over again just to be able to stop my mind from worrying and feeling out of control. I have to just meditate on this one scripture until I start to believe it in my heart. I know that whatever obstacles I am being faced with is temporary but it is hard to convince my mind to stop reeling with worry. Always so afraid I am going to sink and drown, this is where I suppose that Heroic Faith comes in to play. I have to allow my Faith to strengthen me.

1 Cor. 15:57 Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

My prayer today is that no matter how big the obstacle is that you are facing that you can muster up enough strength to Praise God in the storm and you can follow God wholeheartedly.

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