Reasons for Hope

8 Reasons for Hope

I am forgiven

I am set free

I will live forever

I have a life of possibilities

I have a purpose

I can live without fear

I have Gods provision

I am Loved

Many times, in my darkest nights, I have to think about the 8 reasons for hope. I once read in a devotion this: Either we reject him and live life on our own terms, or else we acknowledge him as God and surrender our lives to him, getting to know him and learning to live in the way he intended. One day each of us will stand before Jesus in heaven and the choice we have made during our lifetime will be apparent.

That brings up a lot of feeling for me. Of course God does not ask us to be perfect, he asks us just to try everyday to live our lives more on the side of good than evil. When I go to bed each night and think about my day I want to feel good that I tried to be a better person that day then I was the day before. To many Christians try to live the "perfect Christian life". By doing that I think they just set themselves up for failure because even according to the Bible, there is no "Perfect" in the fallen world we live in. God and Jesus and his mighty angels are the only "Perfect". We as humans just need to strive to better ourselves, not put pressure on ourselves to be perfect, just relax when we screw up and try to do it right the next time and believe in the 8 reasons for hope. One day at a time.

Genesis 4:7 Sin is crouching at your door, it desire to have you but you must master it.

1Peter 5:2 Let him have all your worries and cares for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.

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