Dirt roads and theme parks

Life is not a race but a journey. I have found that God likes two things...dirt roads and theme parks. In the journey of life we want to get from destination to destination by way of interstate highway. We humans like to go fast, we don't care much for the scenery we just want to hurry up and get there. But when our destination is heaven God says...don't be in such a rush. He has put us humans here for a purpose and he wants us to enjoy the scenery. So to make sure we do that God lays out many dirt roads we must go down. Sometimes our journey down these dirt roads is easy, a little bumpy but for the most part if we just slow down the drive is very pleasant. Other times there is thunderstorms that turns these dirt roads into muddy roads and the drive is hard and treacherous. We may even find ourselves stuck on one of these muddy roads. We are left frustrated. I have found that in those times when I am stuck on the muddy road of life is when I have the opportunity to do one of several things. I can sit and pout and be angry, which does not work because all that does is leave you stuck in the mud mad and angry. I can call out to God to help give me the strength to dig myself out, which sometimes works. But mostly I have found when I am stuck I call out to God and he reminds me of a friend or family member to call and soon I have a friend beside me helping pull me out of the muddy hole and I get back on my way down the road of life.

Now I said God likes two things...the second is theme parks. Every now and then when I am traveling on one of the many dirt roads God has laid out it leads me straight to a theme park. I usually argue with God when I get to these theme parks because I don't want to go in but God says I must not only enter the theme park but before I can continue on my journey he wants me to ride every ride. Some of these rides our scary roller coasters that I do not enjoy at all and some of these rides are merry go-rounds or Ferris wheels that go slow and are not so scary. As I get on each ride I see Gods many angels at the controls so even when the ride is a great big roller coaster that is scary I know that there's an angel at the control that will guide the ride to safety. After I have been thru the entire theme park I find that God will give me and easy interstate highway to travel down to the next dirt road, I get to go fast and easily drive until the next turn off.

As you travel on your journey keep Gods promises close to your heart. He never promised our lives here would be without muddy roads or theme parks he only promised to be there on our journey. His plan is perfect, God makes no mistakes so the map he has laid out for you try and follow. do not try to make your own way , your own short cuts because you will end up at a dead end every time. If you find yourself stuck on a muddy road, Pray. If you find yourself in a theme park on a roller coaster ride to scary and big, Pray. In prayer there is peace and in peace we find our faith that God is in control of every situation.

My prayer for you is that God gives you many sunny days so the dirt roads stay dry.

Amanda WilliamsComment