What does change really do? It forces us out of our comfortable lives and reconfigure how we live. Why must this happen? It forces us to grow as human beings, as spiritual beings. To live is to grow. It comes with growing pains and mood swings. We go from high highs to low lows. Growth is not always fun but it’s necessary for us to evolve. How do I embrace growth and not dread it? That is one question I am still trying to answer. I turn to my Bible and I read how we must grow. God does not want us on milk but on solid food. As we journey through life things happen…..some good, some bad but as life continues to change and we evolve and grow because of the changes, we are molded into who God created us to be. We are still growing until our last breath. Life doesn’t stop - it changes. We live through joy and we live through grief. We are taught what hate feels like, what it looks like. But we are also shown love in its purest form. We don’t get to trade one for the other. We must learn it all. Who I am today is exactly who I was meant to be - today. Tomorrow I will change and grow and I will laugh and I am sure I will cry. But I have to embrace it - all of it. Every year that goes by I experience a new emotion that I didn’t think was humanly possible to experience. I am 45 years old and I can honestly say I have so much more growing to do. I don’t want to be at the end…..not yet. So since I know there is more to be learned I can’t act surprised when life hands me the lesson. Does life become easier? I think honestly it’s a choice. I still get mad, real mad when bad things happen to the people that I love but at the same time I still praise God. I still have more love inside of me than anger. I still ask why? Knowing good and well I may never receive an answer. At the end of the day I am human. Real, raw and a mess. But I lay my mess down at the feet of Jesus. I surrender……today……at this moment I surrender and you know what? I am going to do it all over again tomorrow, God willing.