Battle lines
How I battle…..
My favorite scripture is 2Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and of a sound mind. I lean on this scripture a lot. When my anxiety escalates I say silent prayers to myself. When my depression is bad and I have those cry all day days I will remind myself that I am a child of God. When I feel out of control I know my best friend God has it all under control. I like to talk out loud to God, as if he is sitting with me, like an old friend. Sometimes if I am having a bad day just talking it out helps. That is one way I draw my battle lines. If my anxiety is loud, I get louder. Another thing I do is I google scripture that helps with anxiety and depression. This gives me something to focus on. It helps remind me of Gods promises. Anxiety and depression is no joke and it can escalate quickly to panic attacks or suicidal thoughts. I take it all very seriously. I have a plan when I have bad days to refocus my thinking. My belief in God and in the scriptures is what gets me through.
Another way I draw battle lines is my love for praise and worship music. I will turn on my favorite songs and have a dance party with God. It’s good to have a plan. Weather it’s scripture or talking it out or dancing it out with God just lean into him and he will lean into you. God does not promise us there won’t be bad days. What he does promise is to be in your corner fighting when the bad days come and that is what makes all the difference.
Draw your own battle lines but have a plan for those bad days. John 3:30 reminds us that he must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.